Diagnosing Allergic Contact Dermatitis Through Elimination, Perception, Detection and Deduction
Abstract Several authors have commented upon the skills of detection required in making a diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. Here, we emphasise the search for clues in a systematic manner. We describe four stages as part of a systematic method for diagnosing allergic contact dermatitis. Firstly, elimination (or inclusion) of non-allergic diagnoses. Secondly, perception: the pre-patch test diagnosis and the 'three scenarios' principle. Thirdly, detection: optimising the sensitivity of the patch test process. Fourthly, deduction: diagnosing allergic contact dermatitis by associating the dermatitis with the allergen exposure. We further compare and contrast the pre-patch test history and examination with the markedly different one ('microhistory' and 'microexamination') used after patch testing. The importance of knowledge of contact dermatitis literature is emphasised with a review of recent publications. Finally, we also highlight the use of contact allergy profiling as an investigative tool in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis.
วารสาร : Am J Clin Dermatol . 2017 Oct;18(5):651-661. doi: 10.1007/s40257-017-0287-8.
Keyword : Allergic Contact Dermatitis; Contact Dermatitis; Dermatitis; Linalool; Patch Testing.