International Integrative Photodermatology in Southeast Asia 2019
Abstract Within the broader field of dermatology, the practice of photodermatology is quite important. Many patients suffer from incurable, chronic, long-lasting, and psychologically traumatizing skin conditions, such as severe psoriasis, devastating vitiligo, intolerable atopic dermatitis, and refractory mycosis fungoides, for which standard medical treatments have produced limited results. Advanced targeted medicines, including the new biologics, offer higher efficacy rates, but the treatment costs are so exorbitant that most patients simply cannot afford to pay them. Photomedicine, however, may still provide hope for many patients with difficult and refractory skin diseases. In contrast to the advanced medicines, this type of treatment is much more affordable. Phototherapy also has fewer unacceptable side effects compared with immunosuppressive drugs and the newer targeted medicines. Phototherapy can also be performed on children, pregnant women, and even cancer patients, whereas the new biologics cannot be used in these patients.
วารสาร : Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed . 2019 Dec 9. doi: 10.1111/phpp.12530.
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